Greetings and Salutations from the web minister of the Pytt of Quivira. Many of you know that this refurbishment has been a long time coming. Hopefully with the help of you, the user, we should be able to make this site a lot more informative and interactive. I would like to see this site more informative This might become quite an undertaking, but we have nothing but time to add submissions. Submissions don't only have to be limited to just users of the Incipient Shire of the Pytt of Quivira. Any one that wishes to submit some information is welcome to add to the collective knowledge.
Submissions can be directed to:
Jeff Lindstrom (Hans Greutman)
Or if you Prefer Snail mail direct submissions to:
821 W. 29th
Kearney, NE 68845
PH#308-237-4764 (leave message)
Ella Lindstrom 6.5 mo